
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Multiple page redirection from single Linux Server using Apache2

I have a Linux server with Apache2 as its web service. I want to redirect two sites pointed to that server to other two websites. At first I was confused how to do that as I work in networking section. Later I got help anyway and I am going to share the solution with you.

First I have to change default page 'index.html' to 'index.php'.

Then I have given below code to redirect those to two sites to another two websites.


if($actual_link == "")
    $redirect_page = "";
if($actual_link == "")
    $redirect_page =;

        <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=<?php echo $redirect_page ?>" />
        <h1>Please wait, You are redirecting... </h1>


I am happy with this simple solution. You??